Offering a highly visual, systematic approach to diagnosing skin diseases,
Atlas of Dermatopathology: Synopsis and Atlas of Lever’s Histopathology of the Skin, 4th Edition, is an ideal reference tool or teaching aid for dermatopathologists, pathologists, dermatologists, and trainees. This unique atlas uses a pattern-based approach to differential diagnosis, clearly organized according to what is seen on a microscopic slide. More than 1600 high-quality images assist in the understanding of cutaneous reaction patterns and diagnosis.
- Classifies patterns according to location, reaction patterns, and cell type if applicable, including diseases that have been recently described.
- Color-codes each chapter for consistency, helping you navigate quickly to the information you need.
- Compares “look-alike” diseases in easy-to-reference tables.
- Includes multiple color photomicrographs for each disease, in addition to providing an online image bank.
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- Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.