Master the core topics found in
Bailey’s Head & Neck Surgery—
Sixth Edition, with this fully up-to-date review tool.
Bailey’s Head & Neck Surgery—
Otolaryngology Review,
Second Edition, edited by Dr. Clark A. Rosen and a team of expert co-editors, provides concise yet comprehensive self-assessment that parallels the chapters in the most recent edition of the
Bailey’s textbook. With more than 1,100 multiple-choice questions, a comprehensive online quiz bank, and updated content throughout, this invaluable resource is ideal for both residents and practitioners.
- Contains more than 1,100 multiple-choice questions written by expert contributors and editors of the Bailey’s Sixth Edition textbook
- Provides detailed answers and explanations for every question, along with page references to the Bailey’s textbook for more in-depth exploration
- Includes a comprehensive online quiz bank for on-the-go study and review
- Features both case-based and image-based questions
- Covers the key concepts you need to know in the areas of basic science, rhinology and allergy, laryngology, trauma, pediatric otolaryngology, head and neck, sleep, otology and neurotology, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and more
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
- Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
- Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.