Discover gold-standard anatomy resources from Lippincott

Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy

Arthur F. Dalley II, Anne M. R. Agur


Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy

Anne M. R. Agur, Arthur F. Dalley II


Grant's Anatomy Coloring Book

Nicole R. Herring


Photographic Atlas of Anatomy

Johannes W. Rohen, Chihiro Yokochi, Elke Lutjen-Drecoll


Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context

Duane E. Haines


BRS Gross Anatomy

Dr. Nancy L. Halliday, Harold M. Chung


Rapid Review: Anatomy Reference Guide

Anatomical Chart Company, H. Wayne Lambert, Matthew J. Zdilla, Holly G. Ressetar


Langman's Medical Embryology

Dr. T.W. Sadler


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Course Information

e.g. Medicine, Nursing, Biomedical Science, Exercise Science, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy etc.
e.g. Anatomy, Histology, Fundamentals of Nursing, Care Planning, Clinical Skills, Exercise Nutrition
BSc, MSc, MBBS, MBChB, Foundation Degree etc.
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